ETV Bharat is a video news app that delivers original news from 725 districts across 29 Indian states and the world in 13 Languages -12 Indian Languages plus English.
Our news is reported by our network of over 5000 mobile journalists (MoJo) trained and empowered with state-of-the-art mobile news reporting equipment.
Get live and breaking news from the world, the nation, your state, city or even district in any language of your choice from English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. You can change your preferred geography or language anytime you want.
The Newstime section gives you a 5-minute news bulletin updated with top news round-the-clock
The news in brief section allows you to browse the top news in short snippets to give you highlights of important news stories
ETV Bharat delivers Sports, Political, Crime, Entertainment and General Interest News. Get your share of election news, updates and live election results from the app
Having ETV Bharat is like a constantly updating text book on India in your pocket. You can go as global or as hyperlocal as you want with the app. Download today.
ETV Bharat是一个视频新闻应用程序,以13种语言-12种印度语言和英语提供来自印度29个州和全世界725个地区的原创新闻。
ETV Bharat提供体育,政治,犯罪,娱乐和一般兴趣新闻。从应用程序中获取您的选举新闻,更新和实时选举结果
ETV Bharat就像是一本关于印度的不断更新的教科书。您可以使用该应用程序进行全局或超本地化。立即下载。